How the pandemic is changing the way businesses hire people — Staff Street

The Word on The Street
6 min readSep 29, 2020

If your work environment is the same as it ever was before the pandemic, then you’re probably doing better than most. It only takes a quick glance at the headlines to know that the pandemic is bringing dramatic changes for people and businesses everywhere else.

One among many: Forbes headline claim the pandemic has changed the world forever

For many, there is just no turning back.

And as the world battles the health crisis, businesses must seize opportunities for radical change and growth.

Read this Staff Street guide on how you can improve your way of doing business and sustain profit through the crises.

One: Survey the Battlefield

Good news: businesses are, indeed, recovering.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, around 85% of small businesses surveyed are opening their services again. But just because they’ve reopened does not mean that their financial problems are a thing of the past-nor are their worries about outlasting the pandemic.

“Two thirds of small businesses (65%) are concerned about having to close again or stay closed if there is a second wave of COVID-19”

- The United States Chamber of Commerce

There are many ways that businesses are changing to cope with the pandemic’s mounting challenges. The most immediate and common solution includes shifting processes online. In April, almost half of all employed adults in the United States were working from home, showing a dramatic rise from the gradual 2%-3% annual increase.

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics speculate that remote work will continue beyond the pandemic

Of course, working from home is not a solution for everyone. Other industries, especially restaurants and retail-which experienced majority of the closures this year -require more holistic strategies.

Two: Focus on Survivability

INSEAD Management Professor Quy Huy says that businesses have to implement more radical changes in their organizations. If they really want to transform themselves, they need to focus, first and foremost, on their organizational strength.

Picture depicts people working together to raise the walls of a home

Clearly, surviving the pandemic requires businesses to do more than just change tools and digitize operations. Companies have to focus on choosing strength-over-profit. So, the strategies they use must be able to get them through not just this pandemic, but also future environmental, political, and economic shocks.

Business strategies after COVID-19 will be less about beating your economic competitors, and more about how businesses can contribute to combating a larger, shared enemy.”

- Professor Quy Huy, Professor of Strategic Management at INSEAD

Three: Strengthen Network Integrity

Building institutional strength is done on two levels — externally and internally.

Externally, companies have to examine and identify the weaknesses in their networks.

According to Mohit Joshi, Infosys president and a leader in digital solutions and consulting: long-term resilience requires integrating robotic automation and artificial intelligence into global supply chains. Industries relying on less manual work and human intervention are surviving. They can do so primarily because they meet the objectives of the crisis ( reduce human interaction, reduce infections) and still continue operation.

Forbes headline highlights the shift to automation to boost business resiliency

That is not to say that the world is better off breaking apart hardwon global connections. Building global supply chains had long been driven by optimizing profits, reducing costs, and seeking efficiency. But now, companies have to shape their global alliances in the post-COVID-19 world around resilience-building.

Businesses have to be strategic in seeking partnerships and networks with companies who demonstrate resilience and the ability to adapt.

  • Which companies used robust contingency and continuity plans during the pandemic?
  • Which businesses were able to change quickly and manage the pressures of the pandemic?
  • What strategies help companies navigate the environmental, political and socioeconomic context that increasingly influence the way we do business?

Choosing the right network partners could spell the difference between bouncing back in a few weeks or in a few months, or not at all.

World Economic Forum highlight the different qualities of companies who will benefit from the pandemic

Four: Sharpen Your Assets

Internally, Professor Huy says businesses have to really think about their organizational strength.

One of the most dramatic changes brought by the pandemic was to reveal the weaknesses of different business organizations around the world. Instead of folding, however, businesses should see it as an opportunity to adapt and transform.

Many business strategists are leaning hard on restructuring operations, investing in what will be the future of work:

  • deploying automation and artificial intelligence
  • accelerating digitization
  • providing maximum space for remote work operability
  • shifting towards collaborative work

But companies must also invest in what is and will always be their most important asset: their people.

WSJ highlights the best practices developed by the NBA by putting welfare of its workers at the center of their operations

Professor Huy highlights the importance of investing in people who are not only strategically prepared for disasters, but also not afraid to point out organizational flaws. Especially if such weak points could lead to a disaster, or make an organization less capable of managing the effects of an external one.

Companies must nurture this critical mindset by shaping internal communication systems, and transforming hiring processes to match organizational strength-building.

Five: Hire Better; Build Better

In a Harvard Business Review article, Peter Cappelli says that modern hiring processes are inefficien t. In the past, it was the standard practice to rationalize a hiring need before even putting up a job ad. Since then, companies shifted to a broader system of

  1. scanning and poaching talent from competitors
  2. using automation to amass possible candidates
  3. relying on external hires than developing internal talent

Every year, companies spend an average of 4,129 USD per hiring job. Even though, according to Cappelli, there is little evidence to confirm that these processes work. In addition, most hirings, Cappelli says, are done to fill existing positions left behind by high rates of turnovers. This rapid change results from an environment of poor career opportunities inside many companies.

Needless to say, choosing external hires over developing an existing talent pool only reinforces these inefficiencies.

Hiring people is a tough job, no doubt about it. This is why companies like StaffStreet exist, to provide specialized skills-matching and hiring services.

But no matter how efficient these companies can be, businesses that seek their services must have a deep and thorough understanding of the kind of people that they need to move their company forward. The pandemic provides a chance for businesses to change and improve, starting with people management.

In summary, it is important for businesses to reflect and reconfigure their

The road ahead is uncertain, but the work is clear.

Businesses have to build their strength, develop resiliency, and adapt if they want to survive the global crises today, and, beyond that, thrive.

Originally published at on September 29, 2020.



The Word on The Street

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